Passgen To Cracking WPA/WPA2 Keys
Passgen 0.3:
Passgen is an alternative for the random character generator crunch which attempts to solve cracking WPA/WPA2 keys by randomizing the output opposed to generating a list like so, (aaaaaaaa, aaaaaaab, aaaaaac, etc).
Example :
usuage with aircrack-ng (python -l | sudo aircrack-ng --bssid 00:11:22:33:44:55 -w- WiFi.cap)
Argument switches are as followed
- -l lowercase ascii
- -l1 lowercase ascii + digits(0-9)
- -U uppercase ascii
- -U1 uppercase ascii + digits
- -lU lowercase + uppercase ascii
- -lU1 lowercase + uppercase ascii + digits
- -C [char] [length] custom character set + length
This application will be updated with new features as needed.
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