Tuesday 15 March 2016

Do You Want To Earn $100,000? Then Hack Google Chromebook

Want To Earn $100,000

Reward Price To Hack Chromebook In Guest Mode Increased from $50,000 To $100,000

From 2010, year Google offered a reward to those who find and report security issues under the Google’s Security Reward Program. Previous year around $2,000,000 dollars of the sum was paid to the researchers for their hard work. 

Google again made changes in their Chrome Reward Program that:

The reward price is increased from $50,000 to $100,000. Previously, the reward price was $50,000, but at that time, they haven't had a successful submission.

On compromising of a Chromebook or Chromebox in guest mode, you will get $100,000 from a Google. Google has once again proclaim that if anyone compromise of a Chromebook or Chromebox, they will offer them $100,000 dollar. 

On Monday, company announced that 
“Since we introduced the $50,000 reward, we haven’t had a successful submission. That said, great research deserves great awards, so we’re putting up a standing six-figure sum, available all year round with no quotas and no maximum reward pool”

Google Chromebook offers so many multiple layers of protection like sandboxing, recovery mode, automatic updates, verified boot and data encryption. The scope of the Chrome reward program has been extended by the company and it includes rewards for many methods like to bypass Chrome’s Safe Browsing download protection features.

Ken Westin, a Security Analyst for CyberSecurity.io, told Help Net Security that

“Google’s increase of awards I believe shows that the company is seeing significant ROI from the program”

“By reaching out to broader security community they are able to access a larger talent pool around the world to review their security. In many respects, you cannot hire some of this kind of talent. By increasing the bounty they are also being cognizant of the amount of time and resources some of these folks to find these vulnerabilities. This will help keep the community motivated and in general help them with thought leadership in security.”


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